We’re Hiring!
Update on Snow Policy
As a result of remote learning, we are better positioned to continue school even when it is snowing, and or the roads are icy. Changes to school schedules because of winter weather will be limited and traditional “snow day” closures are unlikely.
In the event of an extreme weather-related power or connectivity outage impacting large numbers of families and staff, the district will close and cancel all buildings, services, and remote learning.
We will keep you up-to-date via email and post to our EEU School website.
Principal Chris’ COVID News Feed
We’ve put all of Principal Chris’ communications with families in one online document. Click here to catch up on what is going on at the EEU with regards to COVID-19 procedures and updates.
A Message From the Principal: COVID Update
Hello EEU Families,
I am writing to provide an update on the health and safety of the EEU. We have had several staff and children experience cold symptoms, but all individuals have tested negative for COVID-19. We have been able to continue with minimal interruption because teams at the EEU are so supportive of each other when staff are absent.
However, moving forward, we have decided that having teams serve as substitutes across rooms is no longer a safe option. We need staff to remain with their classrooms and not create potentially more exposures by having people spend the whole day in another room. Without a safe option to have staff sub across classes, we will need to close classrooms temporarily if staff are sick while we wait for them to be symptom-free and negative results from COVID-19 testing. We never wish to create hardship and challenges for families, but our top priority must be the safety of the EEU community.
In addition to the changes in our staff coverage plans, I want to address the increasing number of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations across the country and our region. The current trend of COVID-19 cases has already prompted Washington Governor Jay Inslee issued a travel advisory that recommends a 14-day quarantine period for all interstate and international travelers. I anticipate further restrictions and recommendations from Governor Inslee and Public Health Officials in the coming days and weeks.
We are committed to providing educational opportunities for all children AND following state and local public health guidelines to keep everyone safe. As we receive direction from public health and the Governor’s office we will coordinate with the University of Washington, the City of Seattle and Seattle Public Schools to determine our ability to continue in-person instruction giving safety concerns.
What We are Doing About Coronavirus (COVID-19)
We would like to assure you that we are working with the University of Washington, Seattle Public Schools, the Washington State Department of Children, Youth, and Families, and all of our partner agencies in order to be as prepared as possible to protect the health of our EEU community. Currently, there are no confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 in Seattle Public Schools or the University of Washington community, including the EEU and Haring Center. The work we are doing here includes encouraging our staff and visitors to monitor their own health, practice good hygiene, and stay home if feeling sick. We are monitoring the health and attendance of our students and staff and planning for any potential changes that would need to be put in place in an effort to minimize the spread of the disease should we have any exposures. In addition, we continue our current cleaning practices using the King County Public Health recommended bleach solutions to clean all surfaces in our classrooms and bathrooms as well as the toys used in the classrooms. We have also been reviewing proper hand-washing with our kids and praising their efforts to keep our community healthy.
Following are some guidelines from the CDC and Seattle King County Public Health:
When to seek medical evaluation and advice
While the number of cases is increasing, the vast majority of the illnesses around the world are mild, with fever and cough. If you or a family member has symptoms like cough, fever, or other respiratory problems, contact your regular medical provider. Public Health recommends not going to the emergency room unless there is a critical need. Public Health also recommends seeking medical advice if you are over 60 and have an underlying medical condition.
How to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Coronaviruses, including COVID-19, spread between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet) via coughing or sneezing. It may also spread by touching a surface or object with the virus on it. The same good health habits that prevent other viruses like the flu, also prevent the spread of COVID-19 and decrease the risk of getting sick:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, with 60% alcohol, if soap and water are not available.
- Cough into a tissue or your elbow (not your hand), then throw tissue away and wash your hands.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
- Avoid contact with people who are sick and stay home when you are sick.
- Keep students home if they are running a temperature or they report not feeling well or appear weak or ill.
- Consult your healthcare provider if you or your child has health conditions that put you at increased risk.
These prevention steps are critical to keeping our community healthy, so we are also reinforcing with our staff and the kids the importance of handwashing, coughing into your elbow, and staying home with any fever or illness. You can help by reinforcing these steps as well.
As things are changing rapidly, we will continue to stay in touch as new information becomes available and if we need to made any adjustments to our school schedule.
If you would like additional information on what is happening in our area and ways to stay healthy or address concerns, please visit the Seattle King County Public Health website at:
We know that families, staff and visitors to the EEU are worried and we are committed to keeping you informed and working with you to keep our EEU community safe,
EEU Health and Safety Team
All Forms Needed to Apply to EEU Preschool/Kindergarten (IEP Only)
Hello EEU Families,
The following message is specific to families who have children with an IEP (receiving special education services) who would like to apply for the EEU preschool or kindergarten for the 2020-2021 year.
Seattle Public Schools is running the EEU admissions through the district Open Enrollment process. However, the forms are a little confusing. Please see the specific directions and links below:
If you have a child who will be in preschool during the 2020-2021 year and would like to attend the EEU please use the district pdf form: EEU Preschool/Kindergarten School Choice Form. This form allows you to be in the preschool lottery for the EEU. You can use the submit button on the form or print and email it to: (DUE by February 14th)
If you have a child who will be in kindergarten during the 2020-2021 year and you would like to attend the EEU AND you DO NOT intend to apply for other Seattle Public Schools, please use the district pdf form: EEU Preschool/Kindergarten School Choice Form. This form allows you to be in the kindergarten lottery for the EEU ONLY. You can use the submit button on the form or print and email it to: (DUE by February 14th)
If you have a child who will be in kindergarten during the 2020-2021 year and you would like to attend the EEU AND you DO want to apply for other Seattle Public Schools, please use the district pdf form: Kindergarten Choice Form. This form allows you to be in the kindergarten lottery for the EEU and lotteries for other Seattle Public Schools. You MUST download this form and hand write “EEU” as an option because it does not appear as a choice in the drop-down menu. The form MUST be emailed to: (DUE by February 14th)
Thank you, Jennifer
Jennifer Annable has announced that she will be retiring from Executive Director of the Academy for Precision Learning (APL) at the end of the 2019-20 school year. Between her inspiring work at APL and her amazing tenure as the principal of the Experimental Education Unit, Jennifer has spent her career supporting children, families and professionals to help make inclusion a reality. We cannot overstate her impact on this community. Please join us in thanking Jennifer, a true leader of inclusion.
EEU Now Accepting Applications for 20-21
We are now accepting general education applications for the 2020-21 school year.
To access these applications, and learn more about the application process, go to the following links:
Our application period is from December 1, 2019 to March 1, 2020. We will still accept applications after March 1, but all applications submitted on time will be considered first.