
Child Care

Trettin: Trettin Drop In Preschool is a secular (non-religious) program located at University Congregational United Church of Christ. Their philosophy is to provide opportunities for children to grow intellectually, socially, emotionally and physically in a warm, loving environment. It is open Monday-Friday from 9:00-4:00.

Child Care Resources: Child Care Resources works with families, child care providers, community organizations and advocacy groups in order to improve the quality of early childhood care in our region. They support families in their search for child care, assist families experiencing homelessness with child care costs, coach and provide resources for child care professionals, and train and empower low-income and refugee women pursuing careers in early learning.

Child Care Aware: Child Care Aware connects families to high-quality child care and early learning programs. Their vision is for every family in Washington has access to high-quality early learning choices for their children, and every child care program has the resources and support needed to help prepare children for success in life

City of Seattle Child Care Assistance Program: Assistance paying for child care for City of Seattle residents


Seattle Schools: This is the main Seattle Public Schools website. Use it to access different schools, enrollment information, transportation information, and school assignment information.

Ryther: Ryther provides psychiatric and behavioral health services for children and their families facing complex challenges. They guide, coach and teach families and care providers so that they can develop positive relationships and realize a better life for their families.

Department of Children, Youth and Families: DCYF is a state-funded service that supports children and families to build resilience and health, and works towards improving educational outcomes. Their focus is to support children and families at their most vulnerable points, giving them tools they need to succeed through partnerships with state and local agencies.


Tree House: Treehouse provides academic and other essential support for youth in foster care. They provide resources and support in schools, material needs, and access to important childhood experiences that they otherwise may not experience.

Open Doors: Open Doors for Mul­ti­cul­tural Fam­i­lies is a non­profit orga­ni­za­tion that works to help diverse fam­i­lies with fam­ily mem­bers with devel­op­men­tal/intellectual dis­abil­i­ties and spe­cial health care needs access cul­tur­ally and lin­guis­ti­cally appro­pri­ate infor­ma­tion, resources, and services.

Seattle Children’s Center for Children with Special Needs: Access to health education and community resources

CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention): CDC’s “Learn the Signs. Act Early.” program aims to improve early identification of children with autism and other developmental disabilities so children and families can get the services and support they need. They provide information about developmental milestones, what to do if you are concerned about your child’s milestones, and supports for families that are concerned about their child’s development.

Resource Lists

Cooper HouseProvides resources in the follow areas (1) Mental Health, (2) Services for Special Needs, (3) Parental Support Resources, and (4) Professional Resources.

Washington 2-1-1: Database of community resources

Arc: The Arc of King County serves all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the lifespan: from prenatal diagnosis through end of life care. Their programs include information and family support, supported living services, representative payee, homelessness prevention and advocacy.

Seattle Children’s Psychiatric and Behavioral MedicineProvides referral resources for families with children age birth to five years in the following areas (1) Community Mental Health Centers, (2) Home Based Counseling Services, (3) Early Childhood Mental Health Services, and (4)  Developmental Centers and Special Needs Centers.

Zero to Three: Zero To Three’s mission is to ensure that all babies and toddlers have a strong start and reach their full potential. They provide families and care providers with resources for early development and well-being, early learning, parenting and policy and advocacy.